(Members Michael, Erica and Chandi at the July Market )
The DC Craft Mafia is a group of diverse indie artisans who endeavor to bring craftiness to the nation's capital. Our chapter is officially connected to a worldwide organization of crafty creatives, started by Austin Craft Mafia.
KB: Who are the members and what do they make?
Michael Auger (aka Arty4ever) - Offbeat Paintings, Prints and more
Erica Burns (aka Erica Burns Designs) - Wildly, Wearable Jewelry
Leah Huete (aka Curious Zoo) - kids' prints, softies and more
Chandi Kelley (aka Manatea Party) - pillows, totes, repurposed neckties
Shayne Rioux & Chris Radz (aka Novelty Kitten) - cards, buttons, novelties,kittens
Regina X. Jiron (aka BeadJewelryShopgirl) – artisan jewelry for the artistic soul
KB: What are some benefits of being in a craft collective?
Having a sense of community is really nice. It is also helpful to have people to bounce your ideas off of rather than going it alone. As a collective we are able to do art shows together rather than having to drag a friend or spouse along!
KB: How did you all meet?
We recruit new members through our website.
KB: What is your favorite item in your collection right now?
Erica Burns of Erica Burns Designs says, "My favorite item right now is my Octopussy necklace. It makes me smile whenever I look at it because it is so unexpected!"

Leah Huete of Curious Zoo started an entire line of prints based on her flying bear.

Chandi Kelley of Manatea Party's favorite right now is her High Society totebag

Novelty Kitten's Shayne Rioux is in love with her new "Periodic Table ofMonsters" cards right now.

and Bead Jewelry by Shopgirl’s Regina Jiron loves her Leilah Necklace, she says “It’s my ‘omigosh’ piece. When I tell people I wove itty bitty seed beads to decorate a wooden bead, it never fails to amaze!”
Come see the DC Craft Mafia in action at the next market Sat, 8/11!