The 'Crafty Bastards' arts & crafts fair is this Sunday 9/30 from 10am-5pm in Adams Morgan. In it's 4th year, this annual favorite hosted by the Washington Citypaper is an all-day craft extravaganza featuring 100 crafters (national and international!), a series of craft workshops, live music and an annual breakdancing competition!

The festival, which I've participated in over the past 4 years, has a been a huge inspiration to me in the way I've organized Ballston Arts+Crafts Market. They have a fun advertising campaign, great web site and over the years have become known for having the best, newest and coolest crafts in the area. As an artist, it's a way for me to check out the hottest stuff out there- and I'm always inspired to get back into the studio and start coming up with new designs.
You can check out the list of vendors and get directions to the fair here: http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/craftybastards/vendors/
Hope to see you there! and mark your calendars for the next installment of the Ballston A&C Market on Sat. October 13th!