My full name is Laurel Jane Lydecker. When my little sister was a baby, she could not say Laurel, so she

2). What I love about your pieces, is that if I saw someone on the street wearing a bracelet you designed, I would know right away that it’s a lolojane. Where do you find your inspiration?
The designs stem from nature. I've always loved being outside. I feel it kind of came to me one day, I started to play with wire, cutting pieces and forming them, when I realized what I was making reminded me of veins in a leaf, or a tree branch ... I just kept going in that direction until I liked what I saw, then soldered the pieces together.
3). You live in Baltimore. (I graduated from Towson, too!) How do you think the craft scene in DC rivals with the craft scene in Baltimore?

I think DC obviously has a lot to offer crafters and artists alike, which is why I wanted to come to the Ballston Arts & Crafts Market. I love Baltimore! We have a lot of great shows, festivals and very talented people up here. Every year I meet new people and make more connections. It just keeps getting better :)
4). What three words would you use to describe your craft?
clean, modern, elegant
5). I read on your website that you actually studied jewelry and metalsmithing. Do you have a full-time job in the jewelry industry?
I've worked the p

Extra-geeky bonus question: Quick! What’s in your pockets right now?
Oh no--I'm wearing yoga pants! :) I will tell you I usually have a Chapstick or lip gloss close at hand. It's silly but I hate chapped lips.
Check out lolojane's beautiful jewelry collection in person on October 10th at Booth #3!