Sunday, October 9, 2011

That's All Folks!

Well, that's all folks. The final market of 2011 has come and gone. How bittersweet. And we couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day. Thank you to everyone who has helped create such an amazing handmade scene in Arlington-the artists, the visitors our supporters and The Ballston BID. Here's to an even brighter and bigger 2012.

Check out some photos from the final market on Saturday. I'll be in touch with you all very soon with updates on next season's Ballston A&C Market. Mwah!

Love these earrings by Nikdapooh

Stunning new design came and went by Melissa Lew

Fuzzy goodness by Ela's Fellas

Block-printing at its best by Katharine Watson

Holland Cox does more than just bags. They do colorful throw pillows, too!

Spicy tuna? Glass sushi by WeirdGirl Designs

little blue studio wows me with her flowery pins & jewelry

The flowy sounds of Veronneau perfectly complimented the beautiful day 

Funnelcloud Studios monster likes chicken!

Who? Amy Manson Pottery, of course

April Alayne sure seemed busy!

Ten East Read awesomeness

Interlaken Soak Company is high-quality

FuzzyMug and some fuzzies

See you in May!

Friday, October 7, 2011

The FINAL Ballston A&C Market TODAY - Saturday, October 8th!

Wow. Where did the season go? I can't believe the FINAL Ballston A&C Market is TODAY - Saturday, October 8th. This is your last chance this year to shop all things handmade in Welburn Sqaure. Plus, the weather forecast looks perfect. Can't beat 75 degrees and sunny. So don't miss out!

We'll be at the Square from 10 AM - 4 PM doing what we do best -- delivering unique, handcrafted goodies to the people! And while your here, check out the free hula hoop demos (Booth #25), take a FREE yoga class (avalable noon - 2 PM) and listen to some awesome live music (noon - 2 PM).   

And, of course, don't forget your wallet. There is some SERIOUS shopping to do here! See you later TODAY ...

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Exhibitor Map THIS SATURDAY - October 8th!

II can't believe the FINAL Ballston A&C Market is on October 8th. Check out the map and the awesome artisans we have lined up for THIS SATURDAY! See where your favorites will be exhibiting.

1). Herban Lifestyle
2). FuzzyMug
3). Nikdapooh Designs
4). lolojane
5). Amy Manson Pottery
6). Funnelcloud
7). Jillory
8). Ten East Read
9). Love to Create
10). Jen-A-Fusion
11). Interlaken Soak Company
12). Yinibini Baby
13). Brighter Day Beads
14). Steven L. Miller Photography
15). April Alayne
16). Holland Cox
17). Katharine Watson
18). Jewelry Link
19). BoxBoy
20). MurderMitten Creations
22). SharpShirter
23). Ela's Fellas
24). Denise's Knits
26). WeirdGirl Designs
27). XX
28). Jean-Louis Monfraix
29). little blue studio
30). Bette's Bags
31). Mary Ellen Larkins
32). Hope Augustini
33). Melissa Lew
34). jerseymaids

Love to Create - October 8th!

Stacy Rausch is an artist. By trade, she's a graphic designer for a local newspaper. She is also a freelance designer creating logos and brochures. But, what really caught my eye is Stacy's beautiful photography.

As Love to Create, you'll find Stacy shooting weddings, parties and anything else that may catch her eye in and about the District and beyond.

Visit Stacy and her amazing eye for what's awesome in her usual spot, Booth #9, at the FINAL Ballston A&C Market on Saturday, October 8th!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Funnelcloud - October 8th!

Straight outta Falls Church comes Funnelcloud with their bold artwork and intrinsic designs. Artist, Rachel Roellke, does it all - screenprinting, lino printing, graphic design, along with plenty of painting and sketching.

We got dodos, ostriches in cowboy boots, big fish and much more. Check out Rachel's work on her blog, then visit Funnelcloud in person (in Booth #6) on Saturday, October 8th at the FINAL Ballston A&C Market of the season.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Don't MIss the Last Market of the Season THIS Saturday!

Saturday, October 8th is the FINAL Ballston A&C Market of the season, so don't miss out on your last chance to shop 100% handmade in Ballston! If you don't visit us, look what you'll miss out on:

Bright Day Beads


Jean-Louis Monfraix

Nikdapooh Designs

April Alayne

Funnelcloud Studio

Desnie's Knits

So, come out and support your local artists. Hope to see you THIS Saturday, October 8th!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Ela's Fellas - THIS Saturday, October 8th!

Ela's Fellas was sick last month, but she's all better now and excited to participate in her first Ballston A&C Market THIS Saturday. Let's all give a warm Ballston welcome, to this awesome newbie!

Ela's Fellas offer eco-friendly, fine art-and-crafts inspired by creatures and products of nature in ornament form.

Playful Fellas look great all year long hanging from a windowsill or door knobs. Plus, custom mobiles, Christmas chandeliers and individual Fellas are available upon request.

And all of Ela's collages are original multi-media pieces of affordable fine art. Say hello to all of the Fellas at the FINAL Ballston A&C Market of the season THIS Saturday, October 8th!

Friday, September 30, 2011 Offers FREE Hula Hoop Demos October 8th!

Are you a hula-hoop enthusiast? Or maybe you have always wanted to learn how to spin a hoop, but no one was around to show you how. Well, I have some great news for you!  Hula-hoop designers and masters, will be hanging out at the Market all day Saturday, October 8th, with their handmade Kaleidoscopic hoops.

Plus, they will be holding FREE hoop demos throughout the day, too, so people can walk away with some tips and tricks.

The FINAL Ballston A&C Market is on Saturday, October 8th. Don't miss your last opportunity this season to shop 100% handmade!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

WeirdGirl Designs - October 8th

Melissa Yates Tomlinson is WeirdGirl Designs. And just for the record, I've met Melissa and have seen her designs, and I don't think she or her creations are "weird." Unique. Cool. Modern --Sure! But weird? Well, okay ... maybe a little. But, that's what makes her fused glass artwork so special!

Melissa has been perfecting the art of fused glass for a little over four years now and she also has been teaching the medium for three.  Check out her handmade plates, bowls, jewelry, wine racks, and more at the FINAL Ballston A&C Market of the season on Saturday, October 8th!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Jen-A-Fusion is Back on October 8th!

Bags, bags and more bags. I love bags!  Jen-A-Fusion Fashion Accessories are a collection of original items made from mostly recycled, reclaimed, vintage and new material.

Full-time artist and designer, Jen Athanas, stitches all of her handcrafted and completely one-of-a-kind pieces from her own local studio. Her line includes unique purses, little bags, scarves, hats and other surprises.

Meet the talented gal behind Jen-A-Fusion and her colorful fabric creations at the final Ballston A&C Market on Saturday, October 8th. Don't miss it!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

New Exhibitor, April Alayne

Hey Ballston! I'd like to introduce you to a new exhibitor who will be joining us for the the last market of the season on October 8th -- April Alayne!

April has been drawing since I could hold onto a brush. And it shows! Her favorite things to draw are people and ideas. She also enjoys doodling cute characters or personifying otherwise everyday objects. April's inspiration from emotions, colors and movement. Basically life.

Check out her amazing illustrations, artwork and jewelry designs at the FINAL market of the season on Saturday, October 8th.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Sneak Peak at October 8th - Final Show of the Season!

The last Ballston A&C Market of the season is only two weeks away, so you know what that means: it's sneak peak time. Here's a glimpse of some of the awesome artists we have lined up for Saturday, October 8th. We  saved some of the best exhibitors out there for last! :)

April Alyane

Amy Manson Pottery

BoxBoy Demented Decoupage


Ela's Fellas

Holland Cox

Nikdapooh Designs


Ten East Read

See you Saturday, October 8th!!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Véronneau - October 8th!

We can't think of a better way to close out the season than with a perfomance from one of out favorite bands, Veronneau, at the the final market of the year, Saturday, October 8th.

Véronneau is an acoustic, song-based group playing Latin Jazz, Gypsy Swing and much more.

Remember, awesome visual, tactile arts aren't the only thing the Ballston Arts & Crafts Market is known for. We also love to incorporate music into each and every one of our shows. Because, after all, music is definitely an art form!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

FINAL Market on the Season - October 8th!

ANNOUCEMENT! Did you know that October 8th is our FINAL Market of the season? So, I hope you can make it! 

Like always, we will have free totebags to the first 50 vsitoris, beautiful music by Veronneau, free yoga in the square and of course, the best handmade artwork in the area!

Don't miss this show, because we won't be back until next May! Shopping has never been so much fun Support your local artist at the last Ballston A&C Market on Saturday, October 8th.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

BoxBoy is Back - October 8th!

If it Ain't BOXBOY, It Ain't Demented! Just in time for Halloween, BoxBoy Demented Decoupage returns to the Ballston A&C Market for the season's final show on October 8th!

Being involved the craft world for a couple years now, I notice their are definitely DC craft-stars out there ... meaning there are certain crafters that are always on the scene. Certain folks that you are happy to catch at all the cool, local craft fairs, and automatically know their work as soon as you see it. And BoxBoy  is one of those artists!

"BoxBoy makes very few sweet,  pretty boxes ... flowers and Victoriana and cute little animals  just don't cut it, thank you.  If it  ain't BoxBoy, it ain't demented!"  And that's what I absolutely love about Paul and his demented creations.

Viva La BoxBoy!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Murder Mitten Creations - October 8th!

Based out of Falls Church, Virginia, Murder Mitten Creations is all about bold bright colors at an affordable price. If you can dream it, artist, Sarah Smith, can turn it into wearable art.

Catch Murder Mitten Creations and her vivid jewelry collection at the FINAL Ballston A&C Market of the season on Saturday, October 8th. 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Interlaken Soak Company - October 8th

Interlaken Soak Company creates artisan-quality bath and body care products with a focus on using all-natural ingredients in small, handcrafted batches. They have unique items for the whole body from the tops of your fingers to the tips of your toes.

With a wide range of items including bath salts and soaks, body scrubs, moisturizers and specialty items for the hands, feet and face, you can find exactly what you need to help restore your body and your mind.

Find the luxurious product you need at the final Ballston A&C Market of the season on Saturday, October 8th.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Katharine Watson - October 8th

Artist, Katharine Watson returns to the Ballston A&C Market on Octoner 8th - the last show of the season!

All of her intricately created items are hand block-printed with original designs carved from linoleum blocks. Katharine finds her inspiration in textiles, stone carvings, Indian architecture and patterns all around her.

Each piece is individually hand-printed, so not one tea towel, greeting card, coin purse or journal is alike.   Want a Kathatine Watson original for yourself? Then, visit the Ballston A&C Market's next show on Saturday, October 8th and see what all of the fuss is about.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Spot On!

This is awesome and spot on! Except you won't find this Kathy at the Ballston A&C Market. I can promise you that!

Tee hee!

Steven L. Miller Words & Images - October 8th!

Unique photography is an absolute joy to come across. That's why Steven L. Miller Words & Images is such a well-known photographer.

As Steven expresses in his website: Consider the power of a black-and-white image. Without color, black-and-white images must succeed because of content. Moments, frozen in time, that can change hearts and minds as well as travel photography and nature. At Steven L. Miller Words and Images, Steve is commited to making distinctive photographs that reflect the human condition.

Hm. Maybe that's why nine of Miller's images are in the permanent collection of The Smithsonian Museum.

Couldn't have said it better myself. The Ballston A&C Market is proud to have Steve as one of its regular showing artists. And he'll be exhibiting at the final market of the season on Saturday, October 8th.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Ten East Read - October 8th

Ten East Read is a local printing press, who in my humble opinion, are pretty awesome. They are writers and artisans, who enjoy a nice laugh and a good t-shirt.

Their textiles are all hand-printed with love and giggles. They may even hug your order for you by special request!

If you aren't familiar with them already, go have a look at their websites at and  They also have a Ten East Read blog!

And see the gang and their origial designs in person at the final Ballston A&C Market of the season on October 8th!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Amy Manson Pottery Returns October 8th!

For me, awesome pottery is hard to find. I like a little mix of old-school colors and new-school design, so when I saw Amy Manson Pottery I was beyond impressed. She's got it.

Amy Manson has been creating with clay for the past nine years. She uses high-fired stoneware and porcelain, and enjoys glaze colors and themes, which can be found in nature.

Her passion for clay certainly shows in her work! Enjoy Amy Manson's pottery in person at the next Ballston A&C Market on Saturday, October 9th--the last market of the season.