1). Please tell us a little bit about yourself and your craft. What sets you apart from other jewelry-makers?Basically, what sets Arden Jewelry Design apart is how we balance cost, quality, artistry and fashion. I want you to be able to wear a one-of-a-kind piece of jewelry that is classic, will last you a while, and won't break the bank in buying it.
2). I notice you
use a lot of natural stones in your designs, such as jade, quartz and onyx. Is there a particular stone you enjoy working with the best?
Wow, that is a hard question. I really like the look of carnelian, but I've had a lot of fun making pieces for my own use. I guess if I had to choose, I would say quartz, because of its texture and the different looks it can take depending on the cut and the stones it is paired with. My favorite pieces are definitely those that combine different chips together. It's so much fun creating pairings and the overall impact these necklaces make is amazing!
3). What three words would you use to describe your craft?Only three words ... Seriously, I'd have to say
fun, and
4). What inspires you when you are designing?I find so much inspiration in the stones themselves. A new color combination will strike my eye, or I'll find a particular shape or faceting interesting. Versatility is important to me personally in jewelry, so I stride to design pieces that work well with different outfits and in different settings. My quartz necklaces are fabulous like this; I wear mine all the time with jeans or with a simple dress, but I've also worn it to black-tie events! It looks amazing in both ways.
5). Where can we find your craft outside the Ballston Arts & Crafts Market? 
You can always find me at my Esty shop,
ardenjewelrydesign.etsy.com, or my website,
ardenjewelrydesign.com. You can also become a fan on Facebook. In person, you can find me next at First Sunday Annapolis on October 4th. I'm currently working on our winter and holiday shows, which will be posted on our site and on Facebook once they are finalized. I'm based here in NoVa, so most of our shows are in the DC area.
Extra-bonus question: Quick! What’s in your pockets right now?I'm wearing a skirt without pockets, so nothing! And if I tell you everything that's in my purse we'll be here forever. I am a bit of a gadget freak though, so I'm never far from my cell phone or my iPod.
Find Arden Jewelry Design at the Ballston A&C Market tomorrow at
Booth #29!