1. Button, button, who’s got the button? Sorry! Couldn’t help it. I love your button jewelry. How did you come up with the concept?

Several years ago, a friend of mine gave me some gorgeous antique buttons from her late mother's yarn store, thinking I could use them for the sweaters that I knit. But, they were just so beautiful, I felt that they deserved to be highlighted on their own, not just brought out every now and then when someone wore the sweater. So I started thinking of all the different ways that buttons could be made into jewelry - earrings, bracelets, necklaces, etc., and began experimenting with different techniques. So I now make everything from the simplest post earrings with basic colorful plastic buttons, to the most elaborate necklaces made with antique shell buttons from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Buttons are so versatile, they really are just like another form of bead to me!
2. You knit cute little hats, crochet wire jewelry and are an active member of etsy CREST. You are quite a busy lady! Do you craft full time or do you have a “day job?”
Funny you should ask that! I just started yet another home based business this year, doing professional organizing. I am definitely over extended, but I think that is how I operate best, being a highly energetic person. My PO business, Order Your Life, is going great, and fulfills the "orderly" part of my persona, whereas the Penelope Designs business fulfills the creative side of me, so I am very lucky to be able to do both!

3. What three words would you use to describe your craft?
Whimsical, elegant, unusual.
4. What do you enjoy creating most of all and why?
I am an "ADD Crafter" and always love creating different things, but the one thing I do always love making are my crocheted wire necklaces. There is something very soothing about doing the crochet stitch with fine gauge wire and I can use different combinations of beads, crystals, and pearls with each necklace and I never know how it will come out looking until it is done!
5. Where can we find your art outside the Ballston Arts & Crafts Market?
The best place is my website at my etsy site, but I don't have even close to all my current products listed on it! The other best place is my basement studio, where I sell out of my Bethesda home to anyone who needs a quick birthday, holiday or bat mitzvah gift. Just call me at 301.351.3944 for a private appointment!
Bonus question: So, ninja pandas or a yeti. Who would win?
Exsqueeze me? Ninja pandas prolly - they are so cute!
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