I’ve been taking pictures for a long time, but it really began when I was around 10 years old
. My parents had a friend who worked for Kodak and he would send us film and cameras to play around with, so we always had camera gear around the house. I then took my love for photography to college where I received a degree in Film/Television. So, a passion that began with a box full of cameras–decades ago–became my career.
2). It seems you are very inspired by nature. Do you have a favorite location to shoot?
I love to shoot close to home. I live in Carroll County, Maryland where there are lots of streams, parks and lakes close by. Sunrise, sunset, fog, rain and snow are the best times for nature photography. When the world decides to stay inside, I’ll go take a hike at a local park with my camera.

3). What three words would you use to describe your craft?
Three words? That tough. How about: Keeping It Simple. When I photograph a subject, I try to keep the composition as simple as possible. Every picture should have one subject; it could be a lone tree on a hill, a dewdrop on a flower petal, or the light streaming through the clouds. If an image becomes too cluttered, the viewer becomes distracted.
4). The colors in your work are absolutely stunning. STUNNING. Have your photos been edited or are the colors completely natural?
I get that question all the time. In my opinion a digital camera cannot perfectly capture an image the way the human eye sees it. So, I do take the original file from the camera and post-process it. It’s more about how I felt or what I saw when I went out to make a photograph; I try to capture a mood not just an image.

5). Where would you recommend we go to find great shots?
There are tons of great places around the Metro area! You could head out to Great Falls, The National Arboretum, any nearby park. It all depends what you like to photograph. There are great shots everywhere. The trick is to slow down, take a look around, and see the world through the (fresh) eyes of a child.
Bonus question: So, ninja pandas or a yeti. Who would win?
Ninja panda or a yeti. I'm going to go old-school and throw it out to the yeti. Any creature that frolics in the mountain-thin-air of the Himalayas could definitely kick some panda butt.
Find Campbell Photography at the Ballston Arts & Crafts Market on August 14th!
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