Well, a whopping 100% of you who completed the poll answered YES to that question. So, we did it in May with Homeward Trails, and now let's make it happen again in September with:
Since 1944, The Animal Welfare League of Arlington has been committed to the humane treatment of animals and to the promotion of animal welfare.
So, whataya say we hold a raffle for Animal Rescue League of Arlington on September 11th? They'll hang out with us, share some information and host a raffle, where all ticket sales will benefit their organization.

Crafty September-sellers: If you would like to donate a small item (no more than $20) to the raffle on September, please contact Jessica@iloveballston.com for more info. This is completely voluntary, folks. But if you decide to donate a little something, I bet the karma critters will bless you from above. And I'll give you a hug.
Thanks everyone!
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