And the steady stream of visitors seemed to agree! Great weather, great music and, of course, great artists make for a great Market. Thanks again to everyone who participated this month. I said it before and I'll say it again, we have the best vendors and the show would not rock as hard as it does without you.
Here's some photos from yesterday's market!
Polaroid pendants by Jerseymaids
Marisa Molinaro's amazing glassware & more!

My favorite regular, Penelope
The many colors of CHill Woodturning
Narwhale-y goodness by Mint Parcel
Lazy Dog Art captures the exuberance of a Great Dane puppy
Herban Lifestyle is ALL organic
Snakehead Run - our AMAZING jug band!
Greetings from Fast Snail
Our awesome volunteers, Kai-Lan & Emma Rose. Thanks, guys!
Purple. Octopus. Love. Nikdapooh Designs.
So much heavenly lavender by The BumbleBee Studio
Lucia from bLuGrn design busy at work

Fluffy bunnies by FroggyPants Creations
Funky bags by Jen-A-Fusion
See you all at our next market on September 11th!
I had a blast at the show. Great customers and wonderful company,you put together a really quality show!!!
GREAT show jennifer. you are amazing....and you put on a rockin show~~! thank you. the BEE and i will see you next month~~! buzzzzz. xoxooxo
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